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Will the Debt-to-Income ratio changes throw your lending ability off balance?

The much-heralded DTI ratio restrictions are finally here, so will the debt to income ratio changes throw your lending ability off balance? What does it

Banking on the First Home Grant to get you over the line with your deposit?

It’s likely you were counting on the eligibility of a First Home Grant to put towards the deposit for your first home. What can you

Fixed mortgage interest rate coming to an end? Time for proper advice.

According to the latest OneRoof-Valocity figures NZ’s average property value hit bottom in June 2023, falling 14% from a peak of $1.097m in February 2022.


Leverage your current home equity to buy an investment property

Every cloud has a silver lining – even in a soggy market. Many homeowners can use the current economic conditions to their advantage, when advised

Is 2024 The Time To Get Into Property Investment?

Learn first hand the benefits of property investment from two of the Properli team members who have been there and done it. Meet Sanjeewa (Sanj)

Overseas buyers are keen to buy residential property in New Zealand

New Zealand Real Estate agents are noticing a rise in interest from overseas buyers following the announcement of National’s tax policy, which would remove restrictions


How much money do I need for a comfortable retirement?

Life has a funny habit of speeding up once you get through your forties and fifties, and before you know it, 65 and retirement can

Navigating Money in New Relationships

Now, more than ever, we need to be on the same page as each other in a relationship – especially if we’re navigating money in

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